April 28, 2024

I, Science

The science magazine of Imperial College

On this week's show: Can we share science; Allegations against Neil Degrasse Tyson; and Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

This week we talked about whether you can share science – but what is science?, what is sharing?, can any of this happen without equal power sharing? – challenging stuff. The allegations of sexual misconduct against Neil Degrasse Tyson and his rebuttal led us to discuss the role of celebrity scientists and the onus on them to get these things right – or maybe we shouldn’t have celebrity scientists..; what is creepy… the things NDT was alleged to have done and that he did not deny and how wrong it was for him to use science and evidence to not accept his role in all of this. We don’t know the truth but he was belittling the impact of the creepy things he admitted he did. And finally sleep and circadian rhythms. A fatigue quiz revealed just how exhausted we all are and that quite a few of us hit the definition of being shift workers! Lots of tips on getting those circadian rhythms back.

Listen below and find the rest of our shows here.

Catch us next Monday at ICRadio.com from 5-6pm!


This week’s I, Science Radio is  produced by Jason Hosken and Juanita Bawagan. Our radio editors is Hilary Guite, Skylar Knight, and Aaron Hadley

This week’s guests are Dani Ellenby and Anthea Lacchia. 

Banner image: Bad Sleep Girl; Pixabay