October 26, 2024

I, Science

The science magazine of Imperial College

Write for us!

Hi I, Science writers!

The theme for the upcoming issue of our Winter 2021 magazine will be SPECTRUM!  


Magazine Features

Do have something to say on this topic? If so, you can pitch your own story. Please email us at i.science@imperial.ac.uk a 200-250 word outline (abstract) on your chosen topic, discussing your angle/outline for a piece.

If you have any previous writing experience, do send us any examples – this is not a requirement, but would be helpful.

The pitches are due by the 8th November 2021. Magazine features are between 800 to 1000 words.

Please email your pitches to i.science@imperial.ac.uk with the word “PITCH” in the title. 

Online Features, News and Reviews 

We always looking for book and event reviews, and news articles, as well as 600-800 word online features at any time. If you are interested in writing any of these pieces, please contact one of us with a short pitch and we’ll get back to you!

For Online Features, email Freya Masters: freya.masters21@imperial.ac.uk

For News, email John Bader: hanna-george.bader21@imperial.ac.uk

For reviews of events, books, podcasts, TV shows, and films, email Anjana Nair: anjana.nair21@imperial.ac.uk

If you want to be on the mailing list of writers and receive the call-out three times a year for articles to be printed in the magazine as well as published online, or if you have any other questions please let us know at i.science@imperial.ac.uk

Many thanks,

I, Science team
Editors-in-Chief: Faye Saulsbury and Jacklin Kwan 
Web Editor: Amy Ringrose
Magazine Editor: Zoe Castleden

I, Science, Felix Office, Beit Quad, Prince Consort Road, London, SW7 2BB

Email: i.science@imperial.ac.uk
Web: http://www.isciencemag.co.uk
Events: http://www.isciencemag.co.uk/events
Twitter: @Isciencemedia
Facebook – General I,Science: www.facebook.com/isciencemedia
Facebook – Contributors Group: www.facebook.com/groups/isciencecontributorsimperial

2 thoughts on “Write for us!

    1. Hey Ameena, the page has now been updated, please see above for the new theme for the Winter 2021 edition!

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