July 27, 2024

I, Science

The science magazine of Imperial College

Science in the News: Super-smellers: the EU march, Brexit and implications for medicine supplies in the UK, an animal version of Marie Kondo and are nature documentaries too sugary?

We were a bit demob happy as this was the first show of the Easter holidays, so listen in for a high energy and slightly crazy show. We tried to see if we could smell Jason – apparently some super-smellers can pick up the smell of insulin on people who have type 1 diabetes. Were any of us super-smellers?. The 1 million strong EU march made us wonder what will happen to medicine supplies, including insulin, if no one listens and we crash out of the EU without a deal. Katy told us all about an animal version of Marie Kondo, the queen of decluttering. We found out a lot more about Andrew’s shirts and some Andy Pandy dungarees that were sent to the charity shop in the last Condo clearout – whose wardrobe did they come from? And finally Andrew put some real wellie into his favourite topic – over-sugary nature documentaries.

Listen below and find the rest of our shows here.

Catch us next Monday at ICRadio.com from 5-6pm!

This week’s I, Science Radio show was hosted by Hilary Guite, and produced by Jason Hosken and Ruby Pickup. We joined by guests Katy Pallister and Andrew Dixon. 

Banner image: People’s Vote on Brexit March, Wikimedia