Known as the ‘Lab Coat Poets’, for their MSc Science Communication group project, Camilla, Celeste, and Scarlett wrote and filmed a performance of their crowd-sourced poem, ‘A Conversation on Success and Failure in Science’. They spoke to the public at Southbank and the scientific community on campus here at Imperial to find out how each of these groups perceive success and failure in science. These crowdsourced words and opinions were then crafted into a performance poem. Its conversational format represents a dialogue between a scientist (present at Imperial College) and the public (present at Southbank), with a science communicator (interchanging between the two locations) facilitating their discussion. The most prominent themes of the poem are the challenges of academic research and how science is applied in society, especially within the health sector.
Please note that words/phrases in bold were crowdsourced.
By Camilla, Celeste and Scarlett
6th May 2022
Science communicator:
Excuse me
Could we maybe
Can we have a moment of your time
Don’t worry, this poem will have no specific rhyme
Say whatever comes to mind
It can be a word
A line
To succeed or not to succeed
That is the question
But with sense
Try to stay within the scientific tense.
This requires thinking
I am at a loss
My brain is blank, unyielding
I guess failure is the first thing that comes to mind
I can say a lab report that’s been declined?
Actually, don’t mind me,
I don’t belong here
I feel like an imposter
Science communicator:
That’s alright
Although could we ask why?
I thought science was this great field of innovation
An endless pit of inspiration
But lately I have been feeling so much shame
The pressure to publish
Has led to so much rubbish
And I think the system – that’s to blame
People may manipulate
The results in their favour
To not waste any labour
But this just delays the rate
At which knowledge can get an update
Science communicator:
It sounds like you are having an important realisation
Perhaps we might ask the public about this situation
Sorry, science isn’t what I do
And that question sounds tough
So, my response is likely to be rough
Science communicator:
That’s ok, any thoughts you’d be willing to share
Would be more than enough
I suppose science provides a rational approach
To the mysteries we broach
That’s how I feel off the bat
How’s that?
Science communicator:
I hadn’t thought of it like that,
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Science is growth and discovery,
so that in sickness we have recovery
It is not just about the allure of a cure
What matters is hope shared
By coming together to care
It gives us access to life-changing treatments
Advancements that before were inconceivable
Have now been made believable:
I mean IVF? What the F?
For science to be successful
It needs to be accessible
Just look at all the women in STEM
And you’re one of them!
Science communicator:
Thank you for sharing your thoughts today
I wonder (to scientist) if you might relate
That makes sense to me,
and fundamentally
I agree
With our method we empower
Although breakthroughs don’t happen every hour
Things fall through
Maybe it’s a lack of funding
Or a minus one that’s missing
A lack of clarity and solidarity
And a fair share of mishaps
It seems it’s only the outcome we see
I can only imagine how hard the work must be
But if not you, who?
Who else could have seen the vaccine through?
Don’t get me wrong, vaccines are great
But let’s not forget
That this research fostered some regret
In turning the Covid tide
Other work was set aside
You could say it was tunnel vision of the largest kind
I can see how by narrowing down the focus
Other issues aren’t noticed
But research requires dedication
Prizes aren’t won overnight
You need to be willing to face the fight
It’s hard to deny
That I would feel a lot of pride
In my research being recognized
But if my work has no result
Even if it’s not my fault
Forget about the paper
And enter the imposter
Science communicator:
Is there anything else you’d like to say?
I’m sure I am not the only one feeling this way
But I am wondering if I’ve got what it takes
Maybe science isn’t my fate
I don’t have the answer to your question
But I could offer a suggestion
In life, failure gives us scope to learn
To be fair, it’s sometimes hard to discern
When we fail or when we don’t
Science – It’s not black and white but grey
And you know what, that’s okay
Maybe there is no such thing as failure
And we may never know for sure
We need only to know when to put down the pen,
Asking a question once, then trying again
For you I hope this isn’t the end
You’re not an imposter, you’re a friend.
A close-up of the words and phrases added to the lab coat by the public at our Southbank location. Words in pink represent success whilst words in green represent failure.
A link to the video performance:
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