July 27, 2024

I, Science

The science magazine of Imperial College

John Bader
21st April, 2022

It’s like the Oscars, but for student publications! It’s the Student Publication Association National Conference and I,Science is a frontrunner for the “Best Science Publication or Section” category.

I,Science got nominated for the “Best Science Publication or Section” award by the Science Publication Association in late March. The awards ceremony, which is part of a three-day conference organized by the association, took place on April 9th, and I,Science placed runner-up for the category.  

The award went to Concrete, the official student newspaper of the University of East Anglia. The newspaper was awarded for its “great original reporting”, as well as its coverage of the university’s research and other local stories in Norwich. 

I,Science was highly commended by the judges particularly for the latest issue magazine that was published in January earlier this year. Both the theme and its “super slick” design were highlighted during the awards ceremony. 

SPA live-tweeting the Arwards Ceremony at the SPANC22 on April 9th, 2022

The ceremony is part of a national conference that is organized and held annually by the Student Publication Association. This year, the conference – SPANC22 – is the first to be held after a hiatus of three years. It was held in Sheffield between April 8th and 10th, and it featured notable speakers from the industry, as well as workshops and other networking events.


“We’d like to thank the SPA, Imperial College London, our editors and contributors, our sponsors and supporters, and above all, you, our loyal readers!”  


John Bader is the News Editor for I,Science and is studying an MSc in Science Media Production at Imperial College London